Divorce Mediation

Preserving the Family Nest

Preserving the Family Nest for Children of  Divorce Early in my career, I read an article in the New York Times Magazine describing a divorced family, a mother and father in their 70s, both of whom had remarried, and were vacationing with their adult children and their six grandchildren on the French Riviera. It could…

Decision Mediation

Same Sex: Who Will Bear Our First Child?

Will Liz or Leslie be their Prospective Baby’s Birth Mother? Liz and Leslie made a series of appointments for marriage mediation. They had been a couple for seven years and married for two of those years. They had decided that their careers, finances and home were in place and stable enough to have their first…

Marriage Counseling

Another Child Changes to Do We Vacation?

Changing the Goal in Marriage Counseling From “Do We Have Another Child” to “Where Do We Go on Vacation?” in Decision Mediation Laura and Caleb were a bright and thoughtful couple in their late 30s and early 40s. They were established in their careers, she as a radiologist and he as an environmental field engineer.…

Divorce Mediation

Talking to Children about Divorce

Talking to children about divorce carefully and gently is critical.  It helps to find a quiet time and place, maybe after dinner, in the play yard when the children are fairly calm. The parent who is ahead of the other in the process may begin to speak first. One of two longest established, most respected…